We love living on the shores of beautiful Lake Michigan but we don't always have access to fresh seafood, especially lobster, unless we want to pay $18.00 a pound. When Chris' parents in Connecticut were planning their trip out to visit in July, we took advantage of the opportunity and requested lobster. We were skeptical about how fresh seafood would fare on a 900 mile car ride but we were both impressed with the results. Chris' mother cooked the lobster at home and then stored it in a freezer bag with water and salt. It remained frozen in a cooler for the two day trip and upon arrival went straight into the freezer.
About a week later we took our first shot at Michigan lobster rolls. We left the lobster in a colander for about four hours until it was thawed. Then we warmed it up in a a sauce pan on low with some melted butter. Once it was warm we divided the lobster meat and served on grilled hot dog buns. We're both purists and tend to skip the mayonnaise, celery and other needless accompaniments that people sadly pile on lobster.
These were delicious! The freezing and transport process worked perfectly. They tasted like they were fresh out of the ocean. We had some left over ribeye from the night before which we cut up for a classic surf and turf.
I am not, as recorded, a giant fan of lobster, but a lobster roll is a different story. With cilantro, celery, mayo and a little lemon juice on a toasted roll...brother, you've got yourself a meal!